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What Is Rainbow Fentanyl?

Every Halloween, scary stories abound about dealers passing illicit drugs to unsuspecting children. Media outlets share stories and rumors like these, which are more often than not, completely untrue. Concerned parents hear these stories each year via social media or word of mouth. Still, concern among parents regarding the dangers of illicit drugs like rainbow fentanyl should not be taken likely, given the growing opioid epidemic in the U.S. So what is rainbow fentanyl? What does it look like? And how can we protect our loved ones from it?

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug that is manufactured legally and illegally. As a prescription drug, fentanyl treats severe pain following surgery or for those with chronic pain from advanced-stage cancer. It can also treat pain for those with a high tolerance to feeling the effects of other opioids, like morphine.

In fact, fentanyl is about 100 times as potent as morphine. However, fentanyl is trending due to both illegal manufacturing and abuse of the prescription form of the drug. Fentanyl that is made illegally is often “cut” into other illicit substances to hook users with its highly addictive effects.

For instance, dealers may put powdered fentanyl into drugs like heroin or cocaine to ensure that users become addicted to their products. In addition, people might abuse prescription fentanyl by taking more than their prescribed dose, feigning pain symptoms for more, “doctor-shopping” to get more scripts, or purchasing another person’s medication.

Why Are Fentanyl Tablets Colored?

Fentanyl tablets come in a variety of colors for different reasons. Depending on how the drug is sold—legally or illegally—the reasons could be harmless or sinister in nature.

Brand Distinction

Since fentanyl is made by a variety of both legal and illegal manufacturers, different colors of tablets are not uncommon. Much like other prescription drugs, specific brands like to distinguish their products from the competition. However, illegally manufactured fentanyl could be colored for less innocuous reasons.

Appeal to Younger Users

An August 2022 press release by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) stated rainbow fentanyl “appears to be a new method used by drug cartels to sell highly addictive and potentially deadly fentanyl made to look like candy to children and young people.” The bright colors and different shapes might look more appealing to children and adolescents. In addition, rainbow fentanyl can be either in powder or pill form. 

Drug Smuggling

There could also be another reason fentanyl comes in various colors and shapes—drug smuggling. By changing the drug to look more like candy or other tablets, smugglers can disguise the drug when crossing borders to the U.S. This could lead to an influx of fentanyl pills getting through security measures—and making their way to new and existing users.

Rainbow Fentanyl Contributes to Overdose Deaths

While it is difficult to know the exact reasons for rainbow-colored fentanyl, opioid addiction rates continue to rise in the United States. Along with rising rates of addiction, overdoses and deaths rise as well. Synthetic opioids, like fentanyl and fentanyl analogs, contribute to the increase in both addictions and overdose deaths. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “[t]he number of overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids [like fentanyl] in 2020 was more than 18 times the number in 2013.” If rainbow fentanyl is easier to smuggle and appeals to younger users, these numbers could continue to rise.

How to Prevent Opioid Addiction

Preventing opioid addiction is challenging. Many people become addicted unwillingly after using prescription opioids following surgery or injury. Or, they might become addicted to painkillers due to a chronic health condition. Still, others get addicted after experimenting with drugs or taking substances to deal with underlying mental and emotional health conditions.

While there are no easy answers, turning this problem around will take a combined effort from lawmakers, enforcement agencies, doctors, prescription drug manufacturers, and community leaders. However, many family members, especially parents of children and adolescents, want to know what they can do now to protect their loved ones. 

The following are tips to help loved ones prevent addiction or prevent addiction from worsening:

  • Be mindful of any prescription medications coming into the home. Remember to keep any prescription opioids away from vulnerable people, like children, adolescents, or those in recovery.
  • Ask physicians to prescribe alternative medications for pain management. Doctors could have other recommendations for medications without opioids or provide alternative ways to manage pain.
  • Be mindful of any sudden changes in behavior in others. While there could be many explanations for behavioral changes, it is important to check in on those who might be struggling with their mental health.
  • Consider carrying naloxone if a loved one is addicted or in recovery. Many states and community organizations offer naloxone (brand name “Narcan”) to anyone who needs it.
  • Talk to loved ones about getting treatment to begin recovery. Opioid addiction is often linked to mental health disorders. Thus, a combination of drug detoxification, therapy, and medications, is best to deal with the symptoms of both opioid addiction and the underlying causes.

Rise Above Fentanyl Addiction Today

Rainbow fentanyl could contribute to the rising numbers of opioid addiction and overdoses in the United States. While many rumors of dealers passing fentanyl and other drugs disguised as candy on Halloween are often untrue, the threat of potent drugs is real. If your loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, Believe Detox Center of Los Angeles, California, is here to help. Contact us today to get your loved one the treatment they deserve.

How Long Does Crystal Meth Stay in Your System?

For those beginning their recovery from meth addiction, they may wonder “how long will crystal meth stay in my system?” This question can be important when considering a detox program so that a person understands what will happen after they quit using meth. Quitting meth use alone can be challenging and many people relapse within a few days when they don’t have professional support.

Believe Detox Center in Los Angeles, California, is here to help clients remain safe and sober as they manage methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms in early recovery.

Drug Testing for Crystal Meth

One way to learn how long crystal meth stays in a person’s system is to examine the results of drug testing. Past and present meth use can be detected through various methods. Urine and saliva tests are some of the most common types of drug tests, as they are the easiest to obtain samples and get results.

Meth use can appear on a saliva test for about two days after use, while urine testing can detect meth use for up to four days after use. Blood testing has similar results as urine and saliva; blood tests can detect use for about three days. Hair testing can result in a positive test for up to 90 days after using meth.

While these tests show how long signs of meth use remain in the body, they don’t measure how long the effects of the drug last. Furthermore, these results don’t say very much about how long withdrawal symptoms can last. These factors might be more important to those in recovery from meth addiction.

Effects of Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is a stimulant drug, which means that it increases brain activity. Stimulants increase a person’s wakefulness and physical activity. These drugs also increase a person’s body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. Prescription stimulants treat disorders like narcolepsy and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They can also help with weight loss by suppressing a person’s appetite.

However, crystal meth (a common slang term for “methamphetamine”) is a potent stimulant drug that also creates feelings of euphoria, invulnerability, confidence, and other powerful emotions. This is because meth use “hijacks” the brain’s reward circuit, which creates positive feelings and pleasure to reinforce certain behaviors.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “methamphetamine use releases very high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the reward circuit, which ‘teaches’ the brain to repeat the pleasurable activity of taking the drug.” In addition, the release of dopamine in the brain’s reward circuit “is a defining feature of addictive drugs.” Thus, a person can get trapped in the cycle of addiction. Since meth is so potent, some users become addicted after their first time using the drug.

How Long Do These Effects Last?

While crystal meth use could be detected for months after quitting, the effects only usually last only a few hours. However, in some cases, people remain high for days after using. The amount of time these effects last depends on some of the following factors:

Method of Use

How a person uses crystal meth influences the effects. Crystal meth comes in a variety of forms, like pills, powder, and chunks of varying sizes. A person can mix powdered meth in a liquid and consume it orally or inject it directly into their veins. Some people snort crystal meth powder. Other uses smoke or swallow chunks of meth. Some people even take crystal meth rectally.

When swallowing crystal meth, a person might not feel the effects until two to four hours later. However, smoking, snorting, injecting, or rectal use have rapid effects which occur within minutes.

Polysubstance Abuse

Many people abuse crystal meth with other substances. This is called “polysubstance abuse.” Polysubstance abuse can be even more dangerous since the effects of different drugs are felt simultaneously. Some people use meth with other stimulants, like cocaine, to enhance the effects. Still, others could use meth with opiates, which can be extremely dangerous. However, one of the most common forms of polysubstance abuse involves mixing illicit drugs with alcohol.

Alcohol use can inhibit the person’s ability to metabolize meth. This increase the amount of time that crystal meth stays in the system.

Individual Factors

Each person will metabolize crystal meth differently due to their overall health and metabolic rate. In other words, a person with a higher natural metabolism will process meth more quickly. Thus, some people get meth out of their system faster than others.

In addition, a person’s level of addiction and habits surrounding substance abuse influence how long meth stays in their system. For instance, a person who only uses meth once and never again might expel the substance within a few days. However, chronic, long-term meth use can leave traces of meth in the body for months after quitting.

Recovery for Crystal Meth in Los Angeles, CA

It’s no secret that addiction to crystal meth has devastating effects on a person’s physical and mental well-being. This highly addictive substance is so powerful that many people fear they won’t be able to quit, and they lose all hope of recovery. However, Believe Detox Center in Los Angeles, California is here to help you or a loved one quit crystal meth for good. Contact us today to learn more about our high-quality detox and drug rehab services.

What Are Drug Dreams?

Dreams about using or drinking again in early recovery—called “drug dreams”—can be alarming for those worried about relapsing. However, these dreams are common and can even indicate progress in recovery. At Believe Detox Center in Los Angeles, California, we know how unsettling these dreams can be. That is why we teach relapse prevention and coping skills to clients struggling with drug dreams and other withdrawal symptoms.

Why Do People Have Drug Dreams?

The purpose of dreaming in general is largely unknown. However, there are many theories about why we dream. Understanding why we have dreams can help to shed light on the function of dreaming about substance abuse.

The Purpose of Our Dreams

Dreams can occur throughout all stages of sleeping, though they are the most vivid and intense during the REM stage of sleep. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep begins about 90 minutes after falling asleep. During REM sleep, a person’s brain is in a flurry of activity and their eyes move rapidly behind closed lids.

According to MedlinePlus, certain phases of sleep help a person “learn information, get insight, and form memories.” In REM sleep, dreaming stimulates parts of the brain associated with learning, memory, and emotional processing. Thus, dreaming helps restore these parts of the brain to prepare a person to learn and process information during waking hours.

Early Recovery and Dreams

So, why do clients in early recovery have drug dreams? Well, throughout early recovery and detox, clients are talking about their past substance abuse, potential relapse triggers, and the underlying cause of addiction. Therefore, as a client learns more about and focuses on learning about their addiction, their brains will process this information during dreams.

In addition, some substances, like alcohol, hinder a person’s ability to enter the REM stage of sleep. During detox, when a person stops using drugs or drinking alcohol, they might have intense and vivid dreams. This is because substance abuse has limited their ability to dream. Now that dreaming is restored, dreams could appear more realistic and intense than before.

Are Drug Dreams Helpful to Recovery?

Clients often worry that dreaming about substance use could lead to a relapse. In some cases, a person’s dreams are so realistic that, upon awakening, they fear that they did relapse. However, drug dreams can be a sign of progress and can aid in recovery.

Dreams can highlight concerns and fears, which the subconscious mind processes throughout sleep. When a person recently stopped using or drinking, triggers and cravings can be overwhelming. As they learn new skills to stay sober, they are usually quite concerned about the potential for relapsing. Before having a foundation of coping skills to manage cravings, these concerns are warranted.

Thus, these dreams could highlight a client’s fears during early recovery. They can illuminate stressors and triggers that they might not be fully aware of. By talking about and reflecting on drug dreams, clients can benefit by learning new skills to combat these concerns during their drug and alcohol treatment program.

How to Cope With Drug Dreams

Of course, even if dreaming about substance abuse can be a sign of progress, these dreams can be distressing. Vivid dreams and flashbacks can be especially upsetting if a person has a history of trauma or disturbing experiences related to drug and alcohol abuse. Therefore, drug dreams can become a nightmare, which could leave a person feeling excessively stressed during early recovery. The following can help a person cope with dreams about substance use in detox and early recovery:

Talk About It

If a person is currently in a treatment program, they can bring these concerns up during peer support meetings or group and individual therapy sessions. Sometimes, dreams can be a good way to begin a psychotherapy session, as they often reflect subconscious concerns about a person’s waking life.

Identify Triggers for Drug Dreams

When these dreams are distressing and overwhelming, a person might be feeling triggered throughout the day. For instance, drug dreams might only occur following specific events in a client’s daily life. They might have smelled something similar to their drug of choice or are feeling emotions that triggered substance abuse in the first place. Identifying patterns and connections between waking and dreaming life can help a person manage potential triggers.

Relapse Prevention Plans

The best way to prevent a relapse is to get ahead of it. By taking proactive steps to prevent relapse, clients increase their chances of success in recovery. Rather than reacting to triggers and cravings as they come up, clients can learn ways to prevent these issues from occurring or minimize the impact. Since relapsing is a part of recovery from any chronic disease—including addiction—drug dreams can offer unique insights into relapse prevention planning.

Find Relief From Drug Dreams Today

Dreaming about drug and alcohol abuse when a person stops using or drinking can be distressing. Many people worry that these dreams mean that a relapse is on the horizon. However, these dreams can offer insight into a person’s triggers, emotions, and concerns. Believe Detox Center in Los Angeles, California, is here to help those in early recovery manage withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse with our detox programs. Contact us today to learn more.

The Signs and Stages of Cocaine Addiction

Are you worried that you or someone you love is addicted to cocaine? So often, those struggling with addiction are the last to realize that they are, indeed, struggling with addiction. If you’ve tried to stop using cocaine and can’t (or, alternatively, haven’t even been able to cut down on your abuse) then you need help. That said, there are plenty of other signs that you or someone you love is dealing with cocaine addiction. Here at the Believe Detox Center, we can help. 

Some Signs of Cocaine Addiction 

If you’re using cocaine and find that you’re overly sensitive to sound, light, or touch, then you may be addicted. Indeed, many of these signs, in isolation, aren’t necessarily indicative of an addiction. However, if you or someone you love exhibits more than a couple of the behaviors listed, then you or someone you love is most likely addicted. If your personal hygiene has decreased or you just don’t care anymore, you find yourself withdrawing from sober people in your life, indeed, if you withdraw from loved ones entirely. Perhaps you’ve been late to work due to your cocaine abuse or just not going. Maybe you’re selling your private property for cocaine or even stealing property. If you have a problem, there is help. 

cocaine addiction

What an Addiction to Cocaine Can Do to Your Mind and Life 

More than just affecting your life, cocaine can affect your physical body, too. For example, you may find that you’re unable to stop tapping, shaking, twitching, and similar behaviors. Perhaps your appetite has all but disappeared, yet your heartbeat feels faster than ever. Many addicted to cocaine exhibit excessive sweating, with an increase in blood pressure and body temperature. You may even experience impotence as well. If you’ve been using cocaine, stopping is paramount to your good health. 

The Four Stages of Addiction to Cocaine (or Any Drug) 

For so many, cocaine abuse (or really, abusing any drug) doesn’t start with the addiction. Rather, it starts with experimentation. All you’re doing is experimenting with a drug, just seeing if it feels good. Then, most tend to use it socially, around friends or others who abuse the drug. After that, maybe they end up using it themselves, alone, trying to get that same high. From there, it’s a slippery slope to risky use and abuse, developing an addiction and/or chemical dependency that can be essentially impossible to shake without the help of medical professionals. 

Drug Rehab Centers in Los Angeles that can Help 

When you’re trying to stop using cocaine, it may feel like there’s nothing you can do, that you’re always “swimming upstream” in terms of the drug. However, that’s not the case. Whether you’ve been dealing with addiction for a long time or it’s a recent development, we can help. When you arrive at Believe Detox Center, we’ll put together a comprehensive treatment plan to meet your exact, specific needs. To learn more about how we can help or to start the process, call our drug rehab centers in Los Angeles at (818) 308-3118. 

Relapse Prevention: Strategies, Goals, and How it Works

Have you been looking for a detox and rehab center that will help you to not only get sober but to stay that way? Are you concerned about how, once you leave a detox and rehab center, you’ll be able to stay sober then? These are natural, understandable concerns. Perhaps the primary goal of any detox and rehab center is relapse prevention, to help a patient to be able to lead a sober, happy, and healthy life once they leave the facility. We have many ways of helping our patients to prevent relapse for many years to come. 

Coping Skills, Awareness, and More About Relapse Prevention

In the course of living one’s life outside of a detox and rehab center, it is essentially impossible to be able to avoid “high-risk” situations forever. However, what we can do is to help patients to become better aware of the potential negative consequences of these situations while also challenging any potential positive expectations surrounding the abuse of substances. Basically, we help you to be able to develop a repertoire of coping skills that put you in control when you’re in situations that carry a high risk of relapse so that you’ll be prepared for anything. 

relapse prevention

How it Works 

It’s entirely possible that you’ll find yourself in an unexpected situation, where you didn’t realize that, out of nowhere essentially, you would have to abstain from drinking or using drugs. We can help you to develop communication techniques (“assertive drink and drug refusal,” for starters) as well as a better way to handle intense cravings. This is all done to improve your self-efficacy so that you can have all of the earned confidence in the world in your ability to be able to abstain from substance abuse in any situation. 

Skills in Preventing Relapse Grow Over Time 

If you’ve been struggling with addiction, then, almost assuredly, your main coping response to life’s challenges has been substance use. Preventing relapse is about developing the kinds of skills to allow you to deal with high-risk situations that you can anticipate as well as those that arise unforeseen. But, over time, your confidence in your ability to meet the challenges in your life without substance use can grow, so that it’s more likely that you’ll be able to prevent relapse on your own. Success begets success when it comes to preventing relapse. We can help you start. 

Believe Detox Center Addiction Treatment Center 

If you’re struggling with addiction right now, this can all sound more or less “pie in the sky.” But, it’s true. We’ve seen it happen. In fact, we see it happen every day. To be in the position to prevent relapse, of course, you need to be clean, and sober. By working with a team of medical professionals, all focused on your recovery, you can develop the kinds of skills that will put you in control of your own health and your own life for good. To take the first step or to learn more about our addiction treatment center call (818) 308-3118. 

Understanding Holistic Drug Rehab

Have you been looking for a drug rehab that isn’t like the rest? When you research drug rehab facilities online, does it feel like they’re all more or less the same? The truth is that your situation, your addiction, what you’re going through, isn’t exactly like what anyone else ever has. So, you need a unique treatment, one that’s specifically designed for what you need. That’s where our holistic drug rehab comes in. Here at Believe Detox Center, we can put together a one-of-a-kind treatment that’s made for you and you alone.

What Holistic Drug Rehab Tends to Focus on

Often, we’re asked some variation of “what does holistic mean in the context of rehab?” Simply put, it just means that you’re getting a personalized treatment that is, in many ways, “non-medical.” That’s not to say that it’s “non-proven” or anything of that nature. These methods have been around for many years and we’ve utilized them to help so many to get the help that they need. Rather, it means that we treat the body as well as the mind, dealing with addiction symptoms that are physical and mental in addition to imbalances in terms of nutrition and your emotional health as well.

Holistic Drug Rehab

Goals of This Treatment

For one, this treatment is about discovering what the underlying causes of your addiction are. We believe that our goal isn’t to treat “addiction,” per se. Rather, the addiction itself is a symptom. Specifically, it’s a symptom of some underlying trauma, some underlying cause. Thus, if we can work with you to find that cause, then, over time, you can overcome that and, in turn, overcome the addiction. Along the way, this treatment will also help you to become more physically fit and find ways of making yourself feel good that are healthy, safe, and positive – the opposite of misusing substances.

What Your Holistic Treatment May Consist Of

Yoga is a great example of holistic treatment. It makes you feel great physically, helps you to develop self-discipline as well as improve your fitness, all while improving your mind and your emotional health, too. Additionally, we can work with you on establishing proper nutrition, too. So many who have struggled with addiction may not be in the best of health, thus finding a way to eat right for the long term can do wonders. Of course, as with all of our treatment modalities, counseling, one on one therapy and group therapy can be a part of it as well.

Different Holistic Addiction Therapies

Another very effective holistic treatment: meditation. It can help you to be fully present in the moment so that you’re right there with your body right now, and not dealing with so many distractions, overwhelmed by your emotions, and the like. This can help to reduce stress over time, thus making it less likely that you’ll give in to cravings, strong emotions, and other triggers that could cause you to abuse substances.

More Than Holistic Treatment

Holistic therapy is one of the ways that we can help people just like you to receive help for their addictions. However, it’s just one of the ways that we can do so. When you arrive at the Believe Detox Center, our medical professionals will give you a thorough, comprehensive evaluation. From there, they’ll determine the best way to meet your needs through a treatment plan. We understand that reaching out to a facility like ours may be one of the most difficult things that a person ever does. To start the process or just to learn more, you can reach us at (818) 308-3118.

How Long Can I Stay at Rehab Retreats?

So you’re planning to check yourself or a loved one into a rehab retreat. You’ve gone through the first hurdle of recognizing the need for professional assistance, and that alone merits some props. Now, the question becomes more about what to expect. Most importantly, how long can a patient stay at rehab retreats

This is a valid question to ask because it is essentially about spending a chunk of your life in rehab. Rightfully, you’d want to know the required amount of time and what to expect. This article should answer these questions. 

rehab retreats

How Long Should You Stay in Rehab?

One important thing that everyone should know is that rehab isn’t only about detoxifying your body from addictive substances. That is just one part of the equation. Another equally important factor would be aftercare, which will be more about living a healthier life post-rehab, free from detrimental substances. 

As you may know, this is a process that takes time, and how long it lasts will depend on every person and their situation. But according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, longer rehab stays usually lead to higher chances of success. 

For one, a lengthier stay allows the patient more time to work with licensed professionals who can suggest workable and practical ways to deal with their situation. It gives them the opportunity to dig through the root of the problem and have a more comprehensive understanding of their addictive tendencies. 

The only downside is that longer rehab stays would mean more money spent, but it should be reasonable for as long as it is necessary. 

The Average Length of Stay in Rehab Retreats

Now let’s address the main question of the article, and we’ll base this on alcohol rehab programs. As a standard, facilities will require patients to go through at least 30 days of rehab for the initial process of treatment. 

For many people, that first 30 days is only a minimum. Some will spend months going through treatment, while others may even spend years trying to cleanse themselves from toxic substances. 

Within those 30 days, patients can expect to learn strategies on relapse prevention and identify certain personality conditions, even medical problems that need addressing. If there are mental health issues, patients will address them during this period. 

30 days is enough time for a patient to decide whether they’ll need to enroll in a longer program or not. It’s also enough time to deal and work through the physical manifestations of withdrawal, which is the most difficult stage for many patients. 

Alcohol rehab facilities will also offer 60-day and 90-day programs as a standard. 

A Reliable Rehab Retreat Facility in Los Angeles

If you live in the Granada Hills area of Los Angeles and are looking for a reliable rehab retreat facility, Believe Detox Center is a top choice. We offer detox programs that include relapse prevention and aftercare. Whether you’re dealing with alcohol abuse or struggling with harder drugs and prescription medication, you can expect your needs to be taken care of. 

For inquiries, you may call us at (818) 308-3118. 

Substance Abuse Rehab Aftercare: What is It, and Why Is It Important?

Substance abuse rehab aftercare is equally as important as the detoxification process. During this stage, patients are made to experience a life without dependence on detrimental substances like alcohol, hard drugs, and opiates. It is an essential step in making sure that relapse does not happen. 

But there are many other things that go on during the aftercare process. And in this article, we will get to know more about what they are and why they are important. 

What Exactly is Substance Abuse Rehab Aftercare?

We’ve already given a brief overview of aftercare and what it’s all about. The next valid question to ask would be, “what happens during aftercare?” 

Here, patients participate in various activities to help them cope with triggers they can potentially encounter in their daily lives. In some cases, interventions are also done involving the person’s family and close kin. 

Each aftercare plan is different, but generally, each one involves attending 12-step programs, staying in a sober living facility for a given period, and going through either group or individual counseling. For some people, reaching out to a sponsor could be necessary. 

It’s important to note that aftercare isn’t only practiced for substance abuse. Every professional believes in the importance of this step, as it gives their clients the assurance that their needs are taken care of. And that brings us to our next point. 

substance abuse rehab aftercare

Why Is Aftercare Important? 

We mentioned how aftercare is also for avoiding relapses from happening. It’s more of a long-term plan to help the patient have a relatively smoother transition from their old normal (substance use and dependence) to the new, healthier normal of a sober life. 

To paint a better picture, here are some statistics: According to studies, between 40% to 60% of recovering addicts will eventually go through a period of relapse. It’s a high rate that people suffering from diabetes, asthma, and hypertension all go through. 

Given that kind of vulnerability to falling off the wagon, aftercare provides that solid enough support system to keep the patient on the right track to recovery. 

What Are Some Self-Aftercare Practices For Patients?

For a patient to fully recover, they should also do their part. As a start, it is recommended for them to carry on with attending recovery meetings. Being amongst people who are going through the same trials and tribulations gives that feeling of belongingness, which could help speed up the process. 

Identifying potential triggers is another important aftercare practice. Patients know very well which aspects of their environment and daily life are possible jump-off points to their old, detrimental habits. But by listing them down, they get to have a much better look at what they’re dealing with. 

Likewise, patients should develop a relapse prevention plan. Here, they will list down coping strategies that would help their situation the most. It could be something as simple as doing breathing exercises or journaling once those cravings suddenly emerge. 

A Facility That Caters to Substance Abuse Rehab Aftercare

We at Believe Detox Center are firm believers in an effective substance abuse aftercare program. Our main goal is to make sure that our patients get the best form of treatment, both during their addiction phase and after. 

For those living in the Granada Hills area of Los Angeles, this could be the facility for you. For inquiries, call us at (818) 308-3118. 

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